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Stories from the farm - a closer look at the people, the place and the bio-diversity at 5EyesFarm - Lab


Our aquaponics project is in the first stage as we adapt what we know to the context here in the tropics. It is a system with good potential that needs a lot of developing. We are aiming to produce healthy, organically raised fish and food plants consistently with no artificial or bought inputs.



Aquaponics is a diverse eco-system. It is made up mainly of fresh-water fish and the growing of plants in water. The system harnesses the nitrogen cycle and is a cleaver bio converter. This both cleans the water for the fish by eliminating ammonia and it greatly feeds the plants with nutrient-rich water.



Aquaponics uses less water than traditional agriculture. It grows healthy plants faster. It creates a system of protein and vegetables and herbs and fruits. Variety and easy of use gives scope for small holder farmers to implement medium-sized systems and diversify their production.


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